New Provincial Team
God tunes his chosen one after his heart and he let it know the world in its own time. The fine tuning of God for Arunoday Province melodized on 25 January, 2018 as the new Provincial Council was formed to lead and steer the Province for next three years.
Thanks be to God for the wonderful choice of Rev. Sr. Joicy Thekkekara as our Provincial Superior and Srs Lissie Therese Thekkel, Sangeetha, Jessin John and Vinita Bastin as our Councillors. The Arunodians rejoice and join the whole congregation in its exultation and praise for the new era of leadership all through the congregation with 9 new Provincial teams. Very Rev. Mother Udaya our Superior General deserve our heartfelt congratulations and thanks for reaching to all nine provinces to accomplish this noble task of presiding over the election synaxis. Very Rev. Fr. John Kochuuchira TOR and Rev. Sr. Bhavya, the General Councillor prepared the synaxis members very aptly with their ever inspiring classes on leadership and synaxis. The members of the synaxis too deserve a genuine applause for being attuned to the Spirit and observing God?s ordinances in completing the noble task of electing the leaders with genuine love and commitment.